A Favorite Day

One of my favorite events at Hope Community Church is 707 Film Fest.  You make a team, you get a genre as well as a mandatory prop (shovel) and line (“whoosh, whoosh, whoosh”) and you go to town for 3-5 minutes.  Then everyone dresses up for the big awards night as well as the viewing of all the movies.

Or you skip the making a team etc, and you just curl your hair, put on a dress, and show up excited to be entertained by other people’s hard work.  You may not have been at the event, but don’t worry.  Not all of them on up on the internets, but I tracked a few of them down for your enjoyment.  You are welcome.

The Delivery: “Your pizza will be there in 30 minutes or less.”  “We’ll see.”

Church Crashers: You are probably thinking, “like Wedding Crashers?”  Yes.  Like that.  But different.

Step by Step: The Legend of Wei the Racewalker: Subtitled Documentary on Racewalking.  Epic.

A Guide to Christian Dating

Shovel Fight Club: Yep, it is exactly what you think: Fight Club.  Shovel style.

Sh*z No Hopester Says: What you need to know to be on the inside of the inside jokes: we are kinda bursting at the seams right now as far as attendance vs. building size, so parking and generally walking around at church are both kinda tricky.  And the average age of church attenders is 24.  And most importantly my favorite line is, “Thanks tiny steps!”

I Guess You Can Date My Girl: Music video about, well, the title sums it up nicely.  So so great. To the tune of Are You Gonna Be My Girl

The Audition: Film Noir.

Final Cut: a murder mystery

Hopelandia: Have you seen Portlandia?

Nicely done, people of Hope Community Church.  Way to be awesome.