Schoolhouse Rock vol. 60

This past week I had a sub in my classroom so that I could get some end of the year testing done.  The good news is that my kids actually learned something this year!  Yes!  The bad news is that behaving for subs is not one of the things that they learned.  The sub we had was awesome.  The kids’ behavior was ridiculous.  So much so that I had them write apology notes to her.

Here are a few favorites:

From this one, we can see that the sub had curly hair and perhaps a cute flower in her hair.  And that the children were laying on the carpet while she was teaching.  (this can be confirmed by the notes she left me)

From this one, we can see that the sub had curly hair and perhaps a cute flower in her hair. And that the children were laying on the carpet while she was teaching. (this can be confirmed by the notes she left me)


This child is clearly sorry for being note.  AKA naughty.  And they should be.

This child is clearly sorry for being note. AKA naughty. And they should be.


This student was perfectly behaved, so I said she could just compliment the substitute on being  a great teacher.

This student was perfectly behaved, so I said she could just compliment the substitute on being a great teacher.


Even the sun was sad that the children were so nodee...

Even the sun was sad that the children were so nodee…


But this one takes the cake.  From the child who went to in school suspension in the morning and from the sound of things probably should have gone back in the afternoon.  "I'M SORRY FOR NOTHING I DID."  probably true...

But this one takes the cake. From the child who went to in school suspension in the morning and from the sound of things probably should have gone back in the afternoon. “I’M SORRY FOR NOTHING I DID.” probably true…

Well kids, you aren’t angels, but you are good little writers.  So that is something.  🙂