
Friends!  I have some exciting news to share that you may or may not already know.  Did the title of this post give it away?

In June I am going to Uganda to serve as a short term summer missionary with Rafiki Africa Ministries. This ministry runs an orphanage in Kampala that is currently home to 13 children, most of whom are pre-school aged, and 2 of whom have special needs.

I am so excited.


Because Jesus calls us to love one another.  One example that is repeated throughout the Bible is to take care of widows and orphans and the poor.

Because I have a huge heart for kids.

Because for a long time I have had desire from the Lord to show His love to kids at an orphanage.

Because I love seeing how God is at work around the world.

Because I love seeing God’s amazing creativity and power on display throughout creation around the world.

Because surely God has a lot to teach me.

Because I’m blessed to have a job where I don’t work in the summers, so I can go out and be a blessing to others.

Because the full time missionaries who run the orphanage have been praying for teachers and nurses to come as short term volunteers.

I’m pretty much completely excited.  (and let’s be honest: slightly terrified, but in the best way possible).  🙂

9 thoughts on “Uganda!

  1. Laura, if everyone in this world possessed even an ounce of your compassion and spirit for serving others, this would be a better world.

    Is it true that you may have visitors while you are there, namely someone near and dear to me? I must admit to trepidation latching onto my emotions when I hear “Uganda.” I must research the situation in this country. Perhaps then I’ll feel better. Or perhaps more concerned?

  2. THIS —-> Because I love seeing God’s amazing creativity and power on display throughout creation around the world.

    I asked God this weekend when the hoarfrost came in if he was trying to experiment with interior design concepts, I was so taken by it all.

    In all seriousness Laura, I got the biggest smile reading this. You will be such a blessing to those people and those children. I cannot imagine anyone who would be more well suited to boldly entering that type of situation with such an open heart.

    • Um, i absolutely loved the frost so much – it was killing me that i didn’t have my camera with me to pull over to the side of the road and take pictures!

      And thanks for your encouraging words 🙂

  3. I don’t know you well but I am honestly very happy for you! Looks like you really wanted this to happen. 😉 The more you see the world, the more love you will discover.

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